Every year we mount a full-scale production which is open to all students at d’Overbroeck’s, from Year 7 to 13. We alternate yearly between a musical and a straight play, which allows students with different talents to shine in a big-budget production that challenges and stretches their acting abilities. We aim to ensure that everyone who auditions is given a part while the audition process itself is friendly and unthreatening – indeed, at times we cast plays from workshop sessions without having to hold “proper” auditions at all.
We take the directing of the School Production seriously and try to treat it as a professional production. Plays are chosen to allow for interpretative scope: for example, The Tempest in 2010 was set in the future on a floating junk heap of computer parts and 2012’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream was relocated to 1970s small-town America. Our 2013 production of Peter Pan was set during WWII, using the idea of the Lost Boys as evacuees. In terms of musical theatre, past productions have included Guys and Dolls, Singin’ in the Rain, Les Misérables and The Wizard of Oz, each taking advantage of the large casts and phenomenal talents available to us from across the school. We are constantly commended by audiences on the strength of our concepts, designs and interpretations and we feel that, for the students, it helps bring classic plays to life in imaginative, exciting and cutting-edge ways.