Rosie Hayes
Rosie Hayes
25 January, 2023

Student leaves Moscow school halfway through studies to join d’Overbroeck’s - then receives Oxford offer

We are delighted that some of our students have recently received offers to study at the prestigious University of Oxford. One of those students is Giulia, who received an offer to study Biomedical Sciences. But, her journey to d’Overbroeck’s as an international student was an unusual one. Having attended The International School of Moscow, her family made the difficult decision to move away from Russia to Italy. But, due to there being no A-Level schools in Italy, Giulia decided that she would choose another Nord Anglia Education school to complete her final year of A-Levels. Choosing d’Overbroeck’s worked out perfectly; not only did she continue to pursue her goals undeterred, but quickly came to thrive in our supportive environment. She took A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Giulia said, “Moving from my school in Moscow to d'Overbroeck’s halfway through my A-Levels was a challenge, but the friendly environment in school and the boarding house, as well as the help that all my teachers gave me when settling in, allowed me to adapt quickly. It took me quite a while to decide to study Biomedical Sciences, but I am now set on this degree as it combines Biology with Chemistry as well as some Physics and Maths - allowing me to continue studying subjects and topics that have interested me at A-Level including some neuroscience. The neuroscience units in the Biomedical Sciences course at Oxford were a big part of the reason I applied and it is something I am excited to learn more about." Despite the upheaval of an international move, Giulia’s story shows impressive attributes including resilience and responsibility. Having these characteristics as a starting point meant that what d’Overbroeck’s has to offer was perfect for her. d’Overbroeck’s is academically challenging; we have outstanding teachers, impressive exam results, and extensive co-curricular and super-curricular provisions. But we also provide focused academic support, superb pastoral care, higher education and careers support, and a Director of Studies – like a form tutor but with one-to-one support. Our school offers students an outstanding Oxford education, but in a friendly and supportive community, so that students can reach their potential. We are proud to be part of Giulia’s courageous story, and proud to be a school that welcomes students of all nationalities who make up our wonderful global community.