The invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing humanitarian crisis has impacted people not only in Ukraine, but across the globe. Many people have relatives or community members affected by the situation as events continue to unfold.
At d’Overbroeck’s, we are a global community with many students from overseas choosing to study here, and we care deeply for our international community both here and abroad. Of course, on a human level, it is also the right thing to support in ways that we can to help others who are in incredibly difficult circumstances, who may be displaced, harmed, or at risk. For these reasons, we have set up a page recently on Just Giving dedicated to communicating a range of fundraising activities across our three sites. The page will share different ways that students and staff are raising money for Ukraine, with regular updates being posted on the page. The Just Giving account is linked to UNICEF, with all funds going directly to them.
So far, creative and generous staff and students have raised over £1,400 through various activities such as several ‘Anything but a Bag’ days, and a scrumptious charity breakfast. Keep an eye on our Just Giving page, link below, to stay up to date about more of our fundraising activities.
Well done to all involved who are participating in these activities and coming together to make a difference.
Just Giving Page
If you are a d’Overbroeck’s staff member or student who has a brilliant idea for further charitable activities, get in touch with the relevant contact:
Years 7-11: Jane, Emily, Rachel, Jenny, Beth
The International School: Ted, Mikaela, Dave
Sixth Form: Alasdair, Ellie, Fizza, Leon