Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 November, 2019

Winter Concert 2019

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On Wednesday night, students from across our school performed in our Winter Concert and brought to life festive pieces from multiple musical genres. We had a violin duet, a dance troupe from The International School, singers and instrumentalists from 7-11 who formed part of our choir and orchestra, among a host of Sixth Form musicians. The number of our ensembles is growing throughout the school which is extremely encouraging as this shows that more and more of our students are confident enough to become involved with music activities. We had items from our string quartet, vocal group, and even a flute and harp duo added to the mix. Not only this but we saw performances from groups who have formed in their own time – big credit must go to our motivated and enthusiastic Sixth Formers. There were polished solos from just about every style and genre ranging from jazz and classical piano to a violin hoedown, rap, metal, pop, swing. A member of the audience was heard saying during the interval, “It’s hard to believe that this isn’t a specialist performing arts school!” – high praise indeed. The success of the production is thanks to the talent of our students and also the quality of our teaching staff who train and encourage our musicians to perform at their very best. We encourage students who are interested in music in any capacity to pursue musical activities whenever and wherever possible and by doing so can develop their abilities and also share their talent with the rest of the school.  An impressive evening that showcased the breadth of our musicians’ abilities throughout the entire school. D'Overbroeck's provides an ideal environment for musical education and runs and A-Level music programme.